2014-15 ALL-WNY Scholar Athlete Results

  • ADPRO SPORTS & Section VI

    Fall         Winter      Spring


    Fall Results 2014



    Results Alphabetical
      Results by School
    Results by Sport

    134 Winners Updated 1/28/15
    647 Honorable Mention
    775  Nominations
    37 golf nominations will be held for Spring (25 boys, 12 girls) 
    Fall Summary with t-shirt counts

    ADPRO generously donates apparel for Scholar Athletes. Items will be sent directly to your school  after winter break/ first of the year.

    Fall letters were mailed to winners  12/1/14
    Honorable Mention letters were forwarded to School Athletic Directors on  12/5/14


    For winners: Buffalo News picture dates are Dec. 9th, 10th or 11th  4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Pictures taken by the Buffalo News are the only pictures allowed.


    The Buffalo News Winter Scholar Athletes in plans to publish 12/20/14 if not 12/27/14
     If you are interested in obtaining a copy - while they are available Call:
    The Buffalo News Circulation Dept. 849-4523 Single Copy Sales 



      Winter Results 2014-15

    Results Alphabetical
    Results by Sport
                                        31  Repeat Winner Updated 3/23/15
                                      129  Winners
                                      334  Honorable Mention


    Winter winner letters and repeat winner letters were mailed on March 13, 2015
    Honorable Mention letters were forwarded to School Athletic Directors on March 16, 2015


    For winners: Buffalo News picture dates are March 24 & 25  3:30 pm to 6:30 pm, and March 26 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Pictures taken by the Buffalo News are the only pictures allowed.


    The Buffalo News Winter Scholar Athletes on April 11, 2015
     If you are interested in obtaining a copy - while they are available Call:
    The Buffalo News Circulation Dept. 849-4523 Single Copy Sales 


       Spring Results 2015
    17 3X (3 Seasons) Repeat Winners
    53 2x (2 Seasons) Repeat Winners
    123 Winners 
    487 Honorable Mention,  Total of 680 Nominations
    (including 31 Golf Holds from Fall 20 Boys, 11 Girls)


    Spring letters were mailed to winners and repeat winners May 28, 2015.
    Honorable Mention letters were forwarded to
    School Athletic Directors on June 5, 2015.


    For winners: Buffalo News picture dates are June 8th, 9th & 10th.  4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Pictures taken by the Buffalo News are the only pictures allowed.
    Only Spring first time Winners are expected for pictures. if you are a 2x or 3x repeat winner and were not able to go to The Buffalo News in your season,  you may go to at this time have picture taken.


    The Buffalo News Spring Scholar Athletes published June TBA Page 
     If you are interested in obtaining a copy - while they are available Call:
    The Buffalo News Circulation Dept. 849-4523 Single Copy Sales 


Last Modified on June 3, 2015