- NYS Section 6
- Winter Brackets 2017-18
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Winter Brackets
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- BIHBracketLink
Winter 2018 Tournament BracketsWeather Contingency Plan for Sectional competition
2018 Boys Brackets with Scores LINK
Any Cancellation or reschedule are listed on the Boys Basketball WebsiteAll brackets on Boys BsktB Web aboveBuffalo State ArenaApproximate GPS Address:Note: You may have to select Section 6 Boys Basketball under sport drop down. (Leaving Section VI Website)
All brackets are at above link2018 Girls Brackets with Scores
Any Cancellations or reschedules are listed on Girls Basketball websiteNote: You may have to select Section 6 Girls Basketball under sport drop down.
All Brackets are at above link
(Leaving Section VI Website)if you receive error with above linkcut & paste below address to your browserhttp://section6bowling.com/Indoor TrackLink to an Outside Websiteregular season above(Leaving Section VI Website)Regular season above(Leaving Section VI Website)WrestlingBoys Swimnyhsswim.comIf you identify any corrections which are required on this page or within the brackets.Please email section6@e1b.org